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KNOWN Ep. 6: Carrie Lynn Beamer [CrossFit Athlete]

CrossFit Athlete Carrie Lynn Beamer sits down to talk eating disorders, the importance of community, and finding a go...

Why Missed Opportunities are Miracles in the Making

It often feels like God has missed a perfect opportunity to display His glory and goodness in our lives and situation...

Known Ep. 5: Greg Brooks [Pastor]

Pastor Greg Brooks sits down to talk pornography, finding your identity, and creating men in an age of boys.

Why You Need the Pasture to Get to the Palace

We know the story of David and Goliath, but we so often forget that it was David’s patient persistence to obey God in...

Known Ep. 4: Genasee Sager [Wife & Coach]

Wife and CrossFit Games Coach Genasee Sager sits down to talk setting a positive example, dealing with uncertainty an...

Culture vs. Cost

Jesus calls us to create a culture in our own unique environments that reflects His glory and attracts others.

Known Ep. 3: Heber Cannon [Filmmaker]

Filmmaker Heber Cannon sits down to talk building relationships, finding common ground and the triumphs and battles o...

Known Ep. 2: The Crew [Humbled Daily Founders]

The Humbled Daily crew sits down to talk vulnerability, resources for growth and what humility means to them.

Known Ep. 1: Cole Sager [Professional Athlete]

5x Crossfit Games athlete Cole Sager sits down to talk immediate gratification, the battle of patience and serving ot...

Season of Hope - [Spoken Word]

Power and Might, never looked so fragile and frail, a newborn baby in a manger, born of a virgin female. They’d been ...

Weathered for the Better - [Spoken Word]

There are over 300 million people suffering from depression right now. There is hope. His name is Jesus.

The Impact of Inconvenience

Seeing inconveniences as opportunities to reflect Christ’s love and truth to those around us is a game changer. Scrat...
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