Finding Comfort in the Chaos

It doesn't take much for life to spiral into chaos - from simple deadlines and day-to-day requirements to the overwhelming unknowns and unimaginables. To say anxiety is along for the ride would be an understatement; anxiety is most often the one driving. But because Christ is our only guaranteed constant in life, He is our ever-present comfort in life. Therefore, comfort is found in our creator, not our circumstances.

So how do we tap into this incredible truth among the chaos? Through a renewed understanding of His promises, and through a refreshed remembrance of His peace.

In the moments of bone-crippling anxiety, impossible unknowns and the minuscule day-to-day commitments, know this: we are praying that God steals your heart back (a renewed understanding of His promises) and that God stills your heart (a refreshed remembrance of His peace.)

His Promises

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” [Jeremiah 17:7-8] 

How do we trust in God and His promises? The answer lies in verse 8: " like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.”

  • Be planted. Commit to the long haul of putting your roots down and standing firm in Christ through all seasons of life.
  • Send out your roots by the stream. Initiate the step of positioning yourself in the ultimate stream of life: God's Word.

The beauty of these two steps lived out means confidently saying, "I see the heat (anxiety) coming, I see the drought (chaos) coming, but I'm confident because I'm rooted (God's word).

His Peace

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is steadfast on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength.” [Isaiah 26:3-4] 

So how do we practically keep our minds steadfast on His peace? It revolves around a single word: daily.

  • First thing first: God’s Word. Start everyday with the Bible. This shouldn’t feel like another box to check but rather a refueling and realigning going into your day. A simple verse, a short chapter, whatever it may be, find what works for you.
  • End on a good note: prayer. Finish everyday with prayer, not Instagram. Not sure where to start? Simply thank God for something from your day, ask for wisdom and listen to what He’s teaching you in this season.

I'll leave you with a simple, yet incredibly powerful step. Know anyone who wrestles with anxiety or is feeling overwhelmed by their current circumstances? (The answer is yes.) Shoot them a text, meet up for coffee or hit the gym together. You might say, "I don't have money or deep wisdom," but I do know you have time and compassion. Proverbs 12:25 serves us well in this area:  

“Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.”

Finding comfort in the chaos is simple, but it’s not easy. Be patient, be persistent and lean into our ever-present comfort: Christ.

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Jared Iler // Creative Director at Humbled Daily

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  • Jared,
    You probably don’t remember me, but we used to live across the street when you were a toddler.
    I read your articles (your mom shares on FB) from time to time, and it is so encouraging to see a young man I only knew as a little one, grown up and walking with the Lord, speaking truth and encouraging others in their faith. (We also knew your cohort Quinn’s parents through Marathon and church. Both of you have great words and I am so happy for your parents, seeing how you love the Lord!)
    I just had to write today, because as the Lord works, so many things come together in our lives to remind us of His faithfulness and active work in every detail! These things always leave me amazed, every time. I just love the way He encourages and reminds us He is right there with us as we are obedient to do His work. Just minutes ago, I was texted a verse for an upcoming devotional I am to prepare to encourage our young moms in a church activity where I mentor. I took a quick look at the verse, Jeremiah 17:7-8. Pondering it, I began to think about how I will apply it to their lives, which generally includes anxiety, overwhelming responsibilities, and a few things unique to the tediousness of motherhood. They struggle to prioritize starting the day in God’s word and carving out a little prayer time (which seems true of everyone, every stage of life.) A bit later, I just happened to pop open FB and there is your blog, with the exact verses, same cultural concerns.
    Just wanted you to know, your writing reaches far and wide and the Lord uses it in many ways. Today He used it to encourage me as I begin to prepare for my opportunity to encourage young moms to put their roots down by the Living Water, and as you said so aptly, trust the Creator, not the circumstances. Your comments gave me much to think about today as I begin to look at this passage. Don’t you just love the way the Lord works? I do!
    Thanks for your faithfulness to write what God has put on your heart. God bless you and your ministry.

    Cathy Thompson
  • Thank you for this reminder! Much needed in this time of chaos and uncertainty! Blessings

  • Thank you so very much for this post. I have been so drained with anxiety since beginning PA school and this is the reminder I needed to get back on track. God bless you!

    Kayt Fowler

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